What's New Around Here

June 11, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Our next event is on June 30th - a short talk we are giving at Austin City Hall, related to the People's Gallery Exhibition. Two other artists and ourselves will each be talking about how and why we incorporate symbolism into our work. The talks begin at 6:15pm and end at 7:00pm. The People's Gallery will be open from 6pm-8pm that evening, located in atrium, hallways and conference rooms of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. Catalogs, Voting Ballots and Ballot Box are available on the 2nd Floor, to the right as you step out of the elevator. (City Hall Garage Parking will be validated for 2 hours of free parking.)

ArianeAriane We are exhibiting a portrait, titled "Ariane", at the People's Gallery, located in Austin City Hall, 2nd Floor, along the City Council Offices main hallway, #84. The exhibit opened February 24th of this year and will continue through January 4th of 2018. Voting for your favorite three works ends October 27, 2017. (Refer to previous paragraph.) Regular gallery hours are 8-5 M-F, excluding holidays. Contact us if you want to schedule a personal tour during these hours.

Doorway to DoorwaysDoorway to Doorways Uproot Literary Journal published our image "Doorway to Doorways" in Issue 4, Spring 2017 https://uprootmag.wordpress.com/issue-4/  This publication deals with issues of displacement using written and visual means. 

The Afterlife of Discarded Objects featured our story of how "We Collect Things" and what we do with them. in their Featured Stories, October 2016 (10/8/2016)http://www.theafterlifeofdiscardedobjects.com/  Some of our artwork is included with the article and again in the Artwork section, without the story.

In May, we again participated in the WEST Austin Studio Tour. We enjoy seeing everyone who comes back to visit and see what we've been doing. We also enjoy meeting people who have come for the first time, coming from as far away as England this year. The Austin Chronicle mentioned us in their Daily Chrontourage blog as one of their Picks for the WEST Austin Studio Tour. Thank you all for stopping by. We hope to see you again.

If you haven't already seen it - or want to play with it again - check out Telephone: An International Arts Experiment. http://telephone.satellitecollective.org/  It's a game of telephone played with artwork, all over the world. You can Browse works by Medium (Photography) or Location (Austin, Texas, USA); start with the initial "message" and follow it out to one or more of its conclusions; or just tour around. It was featured in the New York Times – Arts & Leisure section, Psst, Look at This. Now, Pass It On, published Sunday April 19 and Telephone: An International Arts Experiment by Nathan Langston, published online Thursday, April 16, 2015. [http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/19/arts/design/telephone-an-international-arts-experiment-by-nathan-langston.html]

The teaching/workshop calendar is empty right now; we've been taking care of some business and personal matters. If there is something specific you would like to see, please let us know so we can address that as soon as possible. We will notify you of any workshops added to the calendar.

Have a great summer and stay cool!

Terri & Frank


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